Yesterday was the last day of the 2009-2010 school year around here. All three grands are very happy about it, of course!
Austen is entering his senior year in high school, and he has reached two high goals for himself in the school band: He was elected band president - hooray! - and he continues as one of the drill instructors, who work within the marching band to help ensure that the others are in their places and learn their routines for marching season in the fall.

Parker will enter his freshman year in high school, and he's really looking forward to being part of the Jr. ROTC there.
Kira is very excited about having been promoted to fifth grade. She jumped off the bus yesterday and ran to me with the news, report card in hand!
Simone is still in school; I think FASNY closes out the school year in mid-June sometime. She will be entering fourth grade next fall.
What a bunch of grand grands, huh? =)