Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another birthday for Kira

Lots of fun and games yesterday at the Linehan house. Kira's 8th birthday is on Monday, July 21, but her party this year was yesterday and last night, including an overnight until about noon today. Anne will need a nice nap this afternoon!

Here are some photos of Kira and her three friends -- Abbi, Marissa, and Morgan -- from the piƱata fun to running around on the trampoline and in a sprinkler, from opening presents to eating an ice cream cake. Later they were going to mess with their hair and the fun sparkly colorful sprays (!!) and play Rock Band (maybe) and watch DVDs or whatever little girls do at sleepovers.

Austen supervised the girls after Anne retreated; Parker came home with me!

Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Kevin Whited said...

Happy (belated) Birthday to Kira!

But no nonviolent pinata? :D