First up is Ruse -- so named because he is such a sly little devil. He's slightly smaller than his brother, but he's the one who believes he can jump from the floor to the kitchen counters! He will eventually, I'm sure, but not yet ... however, that doesn't keep him from trying. Every day!

Next is Audace who got his name for his daring and courage. He'll try anything at least once, and usually more often than that. At first, he was the one who tired first and was off napping, while Ruse was still playing around. Not so anymore, though.
The third picture is of Grace, who
REALLY needs her beauty sleep. I think she likes to snooze on the top of the couch because she can see in nearly all directions -- the better to keep an eye on her ever-growing, ever-willful young'uns! She really has an impossible task. She might as well face facts and give up chasing them down and giving them baths. They are not tiny kittens any more!